Coaching for New Directors of Development
For its most recent initiative, the Capacity Collaborative is funding coaching for 10 development directors that are new to their roles.
Initiative to boost board fundraising
The Collaborative is addressing one of the most persistent complaints voiced by EDs: boards that don't fundraise.
Partnership with the California Community Foundation
The California Community Foundation and the Collaborative worked together to complete a series of capacity building projects.
New round of capacity building projects
The Jumpstart Consulting Initiative seeks to catalyze the efforts of 10 nonprofits to build their individual donor base.
Improving Fundraising Data Project
The Collaborative is launching an initiative to help nonprofits achieve more fundraising impact from their current data.
Collaborative project launched in L.A.
Capacity Collaborative member Frieda C. Fox Foundation is expanding Education By Nature, an innovative approach in coordinating nonprofits and funders.
L..A. foundations show the way forward
The Stanford Social Innovation Review partnered with us to highlight the ground breaking work of L.A. foundations in collaborative capacity building.
Collaborative tool wins national award
Capacity Collaborative founder Consulting Within Reach was recently announced as a winner of an Obama Administration prize in collaborative technology.
Survey project on capacity building
We're launching a survey project to collect information on capacity building needs from selected nonprofits.
Three Grant Areas Announced
Environment, Arts, Youth and Families will comprise the focus areas for this year's Capacity Building grants.
Lessons from database projects
More organizations are discovering the usefulness of databases beyond fundraising.
Experiments in database implementation
Almost all nonprofits need to be able to track data on their donors. Can we help each other build the capacity to do so?
Capacity Collaborative in national press
We're mentioned in The Huffington Post as a prominent example of nonprofit collaboration
Mapping the ecosystem
Several members are participating in an innovative technology project to support greater collaboration among homeless services.
Shared marketing capacity idea gains interest
A collection of Collaborative members will explore an innovative approach to marketing.
Sector leaders to gather in San Francisco
Here's the list of the funders and nonprofit leaders who will be gathering at our next Collaborative gathering on Feb. 11th at the San Francisco Foundation offices.
New members include two funders focused on the well being of women and girls
Spark and the Eva Gunther Foundation became the latest philanthropies to become members of the Capacity Collaborative.
Next Members Gathering
Collaborative members will gather on Feb. 11th to discuss the findings from our latest round of Capacity Analyses and to plan next steps.
Terms of Membership
These are the specific benefits and commitments of membership in the Capacity Collaborative.
First wave of projects completed
Six Capacity Collaborative members have essentially finished assessment projects - all part of an inaugural initiative by the network.
Ecosystem Mapping Proposal
Santa Clara County and several members of the Collaborative joined with other leading foundations to propose a project to build a tool to facilitate collaboration and data driven funding decisions.
New federal funding for capacity building
The federal stimulus program announced a new set of grants for capacity building.
Sector leaders analyze the opportunities in the crisis
Consulting Within Reach CEO Curtis Chang led a select gathering of philanthropic and nonprofit leaders in an analysis of the opportunities embedded in our current financial downturn.
Capacity Collaborative Launches
Leaders in the nonprofit sector of the Bay Area today announced an important initiative in response to the financial crisis impacting the sector.